Connect with Dr. Chris Winterholler DDS Payson Dental Care Dentist in Payson, AZ

Dr. Chris Winterholler DDS Payson Dental Care - Dentist

4.0 based on 3 reviews

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(928) 474-2200

Payson, AZ

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Dr. Chris Winterholler Rating 4.0 stars based on 3 reviews $$$
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Smiling Patient dislikes Dr. Chris Winterholler on Nov. 29, 2016, 6:55 a.m.
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Review 1 by Stars: 2.5 on Link
Started in January 2016. I have an upper implant denture made by another dentist that works great. But, my lower removable bridge was giving me trouble and I decided to ask a local dentist, Dr. Winterholler, if he could make me another bridge. He discouraged me from trying this and told me he had a great implant denture product he could put in. I went home to think about it, then made another appointment to come in and talk with him to get information about his implant denture process. Went in for consultation appt. on two types of dental implants Chris Winterholler does, the removable and the fixed type. Appt. was to be with Dr. Winterholler. I know you sign consent forms that protect the dentists from problems down the road, so I wanted specific information about the implants he put in before I gave him over $8000 in CASH. I wanted to know what specific problems might or could occur with both types of implants. I get to the office and Dr. Winterholler decided he would not participate in the consultation but sent his assistant in to speak with us and answer questions. I said I wanted Dr. Winterholler. The staff person ushered me into a room and said his assistant was authorized to speak for him and knew all the answers to questions about the implants and the service. Wife and I then spoke to his assistant and asked TWICE what possible problems might occur with the fixed implants and the removable implants. She stated that sometimes bone grafts had to be done to make the implants work. I asked again, what other problems might occur and she said none, that only bone graft problems could occur and that Dr. Winterholler could fix that. She said he guaranteed his work and that she'd never seen a person have a problem with his work that he didn't fix. We also asked her what the main differences were between the fixed and the removable implant dentures and she said that there was really no difference, only that one could be removed and they were the same quality. During the consultation, Dr. Winterholler walked past the window with a cup of coffee, looked at us and kept walking. I finished speaking with his assistant, and gave Winterholler over $8000 out of our savings. Seven months later I am without any lower teeth/implant denture. I have had 12 or more appointments, gone through relines, relines (goop smeared onto implant denture); trimming the implant denture (which ruined it as then food can creep up under the implant denture and your gums; more relines, denture popping out when I eat a soft dinner roll... then after much complaining, Dr. Winterholler tried to craft a second implant denture and after several trial and error fittings and fixes, this second implant denture is actually worse than the first one. It will FALL OUT of my mouth without even biting on things, just when I go to speak. About three months into the work, Winterholler informed me that there would be lots of trial and errors, re-do's, relines, and many months trying to make it work with tighter locator cups, endless adjustments, etc. He admitted in an email to me that he did not tell me these things at the beginning, when I asked for this information. The only recourse if the removable implant dentures do not ever work, is to upgrade to the fixed implant dentures for another $10,000. After 7 months and over $8000, and after he withheld complete information about possible problems, I have gone to another dentist to start from scratch. This implant dentist made my upper implant denture and it fit perfectly the first time he put it in and has worked great for two years. Fits and stays in place. He is now going to start over and make a lower implant denture at a cost of over $10,000. Winterholler keeps saying he will do this and try that (he doesn't want me to file a complaint) but I am 67 years old and have lost 28 lbs. because I cannot eat. I have sores on my gums, my teeth fall out, and I am now being treated by an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor for a swallowing disorder that can be a result of poorly fitting dentures. I will have to sell one of our cars to have enough money to pay the second dentist. When I started complaining, Winterholler became ugly and sarcastic. He tried to conjure up reasons why this is MY fault. He gives about ten options on how he can fix this, but I am out of weight to lose and out of confidence and trust in this provider after seven months of nothing working. The other dentist has said he won't use any of the methods Winterholler previously tried because they haven't worked, TWICE. Beware of this dentist - get everything in writing and search the internet sites for dental reviews to see for yourself... and the Better Business Bureau..... before you use this provider. I am posting so maybe others won't have to have the experience I have had. You can email me to see a video of my lower implant denture FALLING OUT OF MY MOUTH. SR

About Front Desk: Serve their dentist boss very well.

I know this doctor: 9 months

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Smiling Patient dislikes Dr. Chris Winterholler on July 26, 2016, 2:34 p.m.
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Review 2 by Stars: 5.0 on Link
My husband got dental implants with Dr. Chris Winterholler and he can eat and smile with confidence again. We are so grateful. A new set of teeth with dental implants makes a world of difference. Dr. Chris has the training and technology to give beautiful smiles.

Front desk:

I know this doctor: 10 years

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