Connect with Dr. Zaid Hakki DDS Dentist in Sugar Land, TX

Dr. Zaid Hakki DDS - Dentist

1.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

(281) 265-2869

Sugar Land, TX

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Read Reviews for Dr. Zaid Hakki
Review 1 by Stars: 1.0 on Link
Dr. Hakki is absolutely terrible! I wish I had done research on him before going to my first visit because I would have found out that alot of people have had several problems with him, as I later found out from the Texas Dental Examiners. My troubles began when I first stepped into the office. I must have been a little early for my appointment because when I first stepped in I found him with his hands all over his receptionist. They both looked suprised when I came in through the door. They quickly straightened out their clothes and Dr. Hakki coughed a few times. I pretended like I didn't see anything. I should have walked out from there but I decided that perhaps his morals and his dental skills were not reflective of each other. I was wrong. I got terrible vibes when he first walked in to see me. He had a runny nose and he kept cleaning his nose with his sleeve. To make a long story short, Dr. Hakki drilled 5 of my teeth in one visit and replaced fillings that I later found out did not need to be replaced. I also found out that I probably did not have the 5 "cavities" he claimed I had. Every tooth he worked on has given me problems and I could hardly eat for two weeks. I filed a claim with the Texas Dental Examiners.
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