Connect with Dr. John Hall DDS Periodontist in Traverse City, MI

Dr. John Hall DDS - Periodontist

2.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

(231) 946-2910

Traverse City, MI

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Dr. John Hall Rating 2.0 stars based on 1 reviews $$$$
Modest Facilities
Poor Service
Stressful Procedures
Poor Results
Very Expensive Cost!
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Read Reviews for Dr. John Hall
Review 1 by Stars: 2.0 on Link
BEWARE! Initial referral for abscessed wisdom tooth. Tooth removed with no followup needed. More than a year later referred again for bone infection in area of tooth removal. Hall admitted that he should have done more to treat the initial infection and now infection has spread to bone. Surgery required. Pre-surgery estimate given to patient and dental ins. approval received. After surgery received a $300 bill for IV sedation. Questioned Delta ins and the insurance coverage estimate never included a request for IV sedation so was not approved. Patient estimate also never included cost of IV sedation. Hall's lack of proper treatment of the first procedure caused the second infection and necessary surgery, then patient received surprise charges that were never given in the patient cost estimate. Very dishonest and billing staff EXTREMELY rude.

About Front Desk: Billing staff EXTREMELY RUDE.

My Experience: Gum Surgery

I know this doctor: 2 yrs.

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Smiling Patient dislikes Dr. John Hall on Oct. 12, 2016, 12:29 p.m.
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